Sep 12 2023: 3 Goals for the Week

by | Sep 12, 2023 | Newsletters

Pic Caption of the Week: I guess summer really is over!

Wheelzup Weekly

What’s up People!
Some quick thoughts for your week:

“You are never ready for what you have to do. You just do it. That makes you ready.
Flora Rheta Schreiber – Journalist.
Event of the Week
Deal of the Week
Osprey is the market leader when it comes to backpacks and we have you covered for that Fall adventure. Pick up any of our Osprey packs at 50% off from now till Sept 25th. 
Check out Osprey’s All Mighty Guaranty here

Get 25% off any hat this week!
On September 24th, I am riding 75miles in a circle to raise money for the local hospital. Check it out, and donate. Please and thank you.
75 Miles to Nowhere Page
3 Goals for the Week
Call your Dad: Everyone says “Call your mother”, but Dads need love too! Being a young man who recently lost his Dad, its amazing how complicated the relationship most sons have with their fathers. The need for both independence and affirmation is great.
Neither being a father or a son is easy and the key is continued communication. until the relationship equalizes and you both see one another with respect and as a friend.
So if you are lucky to still have a Dad, give him a call… then call mom.

Be Vulnerable: It’s incredible how we all walk around with masks on, smiling at everyone and acting like all is well, while we a re dying inside. There is something both disarming and freeing when people are vulnerable. Being vulnerable says “we live in a dangerous world, you could get hurt, so can I, but you are safe here”. So this week – Be the first to go at something, raise your hand and take the plunge.
Be vulnerable.

Stretch: I’m not very old – ok I’m not old at all, but sometimes I feel like I am. With 2 young daughters and a golden retriever, and 2 cats and a business, it’s feels like a lot on my shoulder. Stretching regularly (which I dont do), helps. So next time you see me, ask if I stretched today, and I will respond with – Did you?

 Keep your Wheelz Up!
And remember, You Rock!
What we have been watching this week.

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