Given the short period we have existed as a business, we have been very successful. This is according to our standard and definition of success. Very early in life, Jamie and I defined success as freedom to create and the opportunity to do as much good for the people we come in contact with.
As I contemplate this success, I am acutely aware of the role other people have played in it. The people who have been able to recognize our passion and drive in their younger selves, and have taken us under their wings, nurtured, protected and mentored us. The team members who have identified with the mission, vision and values of Wheelzup and have invested their love and energy, thus far. One of the things we say is that we believe in – “People Over Profit”, because at the end of the day, It’s all about relationships.
Who is that person in your life who you owe a text or call just to say, hey, thank you, I appreciate you.Go on, get to texting!