Three Simple Steps to Make a Big Impact in Your Community

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Blog, Newsletters

Pic Caption of the Week: Innovation or evolution?

Wheelzup Weekly

What’s up People!
Some quick thoughts for your week:

If I have the gift of prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge; and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but don’t have love, I am nothing.”
Apostle Paul
1 Corinthians 13:2


Mandela’s muses. 

The last time I was visiting home in Nigeria, it was quite astounding how much plastic a developing country like Nigeria uses. From bottled water, to packaging for goods, food, all the way to the plastic bags used to build shelters. It made me question some of the things we find important in the developed world AKA “1st world problems”.

When considering the hierarchy of need, I acknowledge that things like climate change, rising ocean levels, non-living wages are all things we try to figure out, alas, it seems difficult to comprehend the effect this will have if solved while half way around the world people are trying to meet their basic needs, like portable water, electricity, medicine, putting things like climate considerations and conservation is but a luxury.

As with most social, and geopolitical issues, when considered in context, it becomes clear to me that regulations, administrations and policy rarely answer all the questions. I typically return to the question: what can I do in my corner of the world to make the world a bit better.
Have you pondered this as well?
Menu pick of the week:
The Crabby Pig’s Jambalaya”

chicken  pork · Sausage — andouille, chorizo or smoked sausage, rice…yumm!
Do yourself a favor, get the 16oz, maybe add some hush puppies.
1. Free Community Paddle at Rocky Gap state park
2. New trail system going into Constitution park in Cumberland
3. Gravel race up Spruce Knob WV
4. Bike repair clinic
5. Some of you have met Shredder, adopted from Cumberland Trail Connections – He is doing well.

Making a difference in your corner of the world

It’s getting to that time when politics, culture, race, gender, religion, food and everything that makes us unique, but also divides us will be brought to the fore. In times like that it is easy to become jaded, consider these tips to still try to make your corner of the world better:

1. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

Minimize waste by reusing and recycling whenever possible. Invest in durable, high-quality gear that lasts longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements. Repurpose old equipment or donate it to organizations that can give it a second life. Properly recycle items that can no longer be used. Checkout the Wheelzup Swap-meet.

2. Travel and Read

I know it sounds cliche, but two of the most effective ways to cure ignorance, improve empathy and make a difference is by traveling and reading. We will be the exact same people by this time next year except for the people we meet, and the books we read. Both expose us to different ideas that we would possibly never experience and shines a light on the fact that the world is much bigger than our isolated local or thought process.

3. Tell the truth

Telling the truth is of utmost importance because it forms the bedrock of trust in our relationships, enables genuine and meaningful connections, and upholds the integrity of our character and society. It is through honesty that we cultivate an environment where transparency prevails, fostering mutual respect and understanding. The courage to be truthful, even in difficult situations, not only strengthens our moral compass but also inspires others to value and practice integrity, ultimately contributing to a more just and harmonious world.

Final Tip

Love: Love others and that is hard to do without first loving one’s self. No matter how much of a mess you are (we all are), remember you are a working process, and you matter.

Wheelzup Experiences
Planning a trail ride this Summer, or Fall, our shuttle services provide convenient transportation options for both cyclists and their bicycles, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience on these scenic trails. We also shuttle wedding parties, and events. 
Wheelzup Shuttle Services
Friendly reminder to shop local: Your $ is what makes a difference for us and the people we employ. It truly makes a difference!
All footwear discounted (call shop for details)
The best corner of America is still here…. #cumberlandstrong

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