Aug 23 2023: 3 Goals for the Week

by | Aug 23, 2023 | Newsletters

Pic Caption of the Week: Live Boldly…

Wheelzup Weekly

What’s up People!
Some quick thoughts for your week:

“There are three things God gives us for free: Laughter, Music and the Outdoors”
Mandela Echefu – I think I heard some variation of this from somewhere, but not sure.
Some may not know that I worked at the local hospital for 15+ years, first as a Nuclear Medical Technologist (fancy name, I know), and them as a Performance Improvement specialist. 
Early diagnosis is dear to me and I know there are so many in my rural community who would benefit from, but can not afford this. so this year, again, I will ride this 3 mile loop about 25 times to raise some money. Read about my 2019 effort that almost killed me
Donate Here
Locals Thursday
If you are a local and visit our Downtown shop (86 Baltimore street) this Thursday, get 20% off one full price item, plus 50% off any footware at our Canal Place location – Cycling shoes included!
3 Goals for the Week
The Silence Exercise: It is extremely difficult to listen when you are talking, this is also the case when we are thinking (talking to ourselves in our minds). This week, complete the silence challenge – Go for a walk and spend 15mins not saying a word, rather try to actively listen. Listen to the sounds that your brain has become proficient at fading into the background, the sound of the wind, the rustling leaves, road chatter, water dripping, etc. This is even better when you do it with someone else, walk along for 15 mins and dont say a word, just enjoy their presence.
Let us know how it goes.

Ask for Help: Like everyone else, we all go through stuff. There is something you are going through in your life right now, guess what? You are not the first to go through that thing, and most likely will not be the last. Find someone who has gone through the same thing, or something similar, and ask for help. It gives meaning to what they went through, and makes finding a solution much easier for you. Dont reinvent the wheel!

Tell Someone I love you: Depending on how you were raised, those three words carry a lot of weight, and can be easy or difficult to hear, and/or say. They still feel great to to be heard though, especially from someone who are not your true family. Make someone’s day today by telling them you love them, it doesn’t matter if it feels awkward, it just makes us live a little longer knowing we are loved.

Key guess what: I LOVE YOU and Keep your Wheelz Up!
Visit your friendly outdoor store and support local.

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